We always prioritize the least invasive and aggressive treatments, taking into account and prioritizing the aesthetic result (like all the variants of sclerosing treatment for varicose veins and varicules that we offer).
For those vascular problems that require a surgical approach, we also have extensive experience in the least aggressive and most effective techniques. Although treatment in the operating room is required, it can usually be performed on an outpatient basis (without admission) and with a very rapid return to normal activity: treatment of varicose veins by radiofrequency, endolaser or sclerotherapy, endovascular treatment of pelvic varicose veins, percutaneous treatment of the occlusion of leg arteries (peripheral arterial disease),…
For those more complex cases (endovascular or open treatment of aortic aneurysms, bypass in the lower extremities, carotid revascularization ...), we also have an extensive experience in this field, with the support of the entire team at the Clinica Sagrada Familia (service of Anesthesiology and Reanimation, Intensive Care, Internal Medicine and Radiology units, as well as the rest of medical and surgical specialties) to be able to face any unforeseen event and to offer the best result to our patients.
Cryosclerosis, foam sclerosis and other techniques for varicose veins and varicules treatment
a. Vascular surgery
b. Endovascular surgery
c. Varicose vein surgery: surgical alternatives
Clínica Sagrada Familia
Carrer de Torras i Pujalt, 1
08022 Barcelona
934 18 11 66
Mon-Fri: 11:00–13:30,
Sat, Sun: Closed
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